is this his wife? or is the Vickie Gambino

tired, a very tuff day, Immigration tting her know, her life is not even worth spit, or a pot to piss in

Madigan and her goon squad of secrete police?

.Honor or Honour (see spelling differences), (from the Latin word honos, honoris) is the evaluation of a person's trustworthiness and social status based on that individual's espousals and actions. Honour is deemed exactly what determines a person's character: whether or not the person reflects honesty, respect, integrity, or fairness. Accordingly, individuals are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions, code of honour, and that of the societyat large. Honour can be analysed as a relativistic concept, i.e., conflicts between individuals and even cultures arising as a consequence of material circumstance and ambition, rather than fundamental differences in principle. Alternatively, it can be viewed as nativist — that honour is as real to the human condition as love, and likewise derives from the formative personal bonds that establish one's personal dignity and character..
if Madigan aint a crook, I'll eat my shorts
Lisa Madigan has turned her office to a platform of special interests where criminals are free and innocents are deprived of their rights. In her website is a list of cases she has prosecuted since in office. How wonderful would this have been if that list contained Carol Spizzirri and Jon Burge. Have you ever heard of Jon Burge? No? Well, if anything, Lisa Madigan is not a hypocrite. Thanks God. How could she have prosecuted Jon Burge when in Annabel's case she based her whole strategy on coercing a confession? When she failed to do so, she didn't have ANYevidence in the preliminary hearing and the case was dismissed. But this didn't stop her zeal. The court transcript was ultimately altered and exactly a week later, Annabel was indicted in Chicago based on misleading statements and false documents presented by a pathological liar who happens to be her business partner. Moreover, how could she have possibly prosecuted Jon Burge when she used most of her resources to prosecute Annabel, from conducting Grand Jury hearings, to filing subpoenas, to research Annabel's background, while falling shy of putting under oath the shoplifter, child abuser and schizophrenic liar who happens to be her friend. Too busy at helping her friend reinvent herself in another scam aiming at creating computer laws in Illinois in partnership with the Attorney General Office. Finally, too preoccupied to cast away the suspicion regarding a strange donation made by the Attorney General Office to Save A Life Foundation. Why is Lisa Madigan so stubborn in prosecuting Annabel against all facts? Is this due to the facts that Lisa Madigan is somehow afraid of Carol revealing unpleasant and damaging information? Or, is this due to the fact that she just doesn't care to uphold Justice when the victims belong to a certain race and a certain class? Have you ever watched the movie “Les Miserables”? If not, it's a French movie portraying 16th century French empire. In the movie, the mere fact of being poor and belonging to a lower class made one subject to prosecution. Maybe that's the same system Lisa Madigan tries to implement in Illinois. What does she know about sufferings? Has she ever flirted with poverty or material anxiety? Wonder how she will pay the bills at the end of the month? Certainly not. If so, then don't ask her to stand for poor victims who threaten her ambition of becoming Illinois' governor. She will certainly do anything to be politically right and safe. She will do anything to achieve that goal even if it means preventing the Burges and Spizzirris from prosecution. Not being a 'miserable' , she's a noble in her own right, a person disconnected for the real world and its needs, its demands and sufferings. Is this the kind of Attorney General Illinois needs for the next 6 years? An ambitious, un-caring, disconnected, un-concerned person too busy to protect a gestapo-like Justice System profiting the riches and well-connected, while despising and prosecuting the less fortunates? If the answer is NO, then Lisa Madigan should not be re-elected. It's an abomination of Justice when the very person that is supposed to uphold the Law used the responsibilities entrusted to her to stand for liars, corrupts politicians, torturers and tax cheats. |
Nevertheless, based on Spizzirri's word, the offices of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and the Cook County Prosecutor have indicted her. Facts indicate they have done so in order to cover-up SALF's longstanding relationships with powerful political cronies and funders. These include Attorney General Madigan and her father Mike Madigan, longtime IL House of Representatives Speaker of the House and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois.
After more than three years of such legal harassment, this site was launched in an attempt to bring public attention to this abuse of the legal system. Illinois taxpayers may wonder why the state's top law enforcement officer and Cook County Prosecutor Anita Alvarez are expending so much time and public money to prosecute this trumped-up case against her rather than investigate what happened to the millions of tax dollars that went to the Save-A-Life Foundation.