Madigan a thieft in high places
a guy who loves dirty cops made me a blog

Madigan a diva of wikedness and foul play
Michael Tillman says that he was suffocated, had 7-Up poured up his nose, was beaten until the blood formed a pool on the interrogation room floor and was the target of a mock execution while in the custody of Chicago police officers. The torture didn’t stop, he says, until he uttered a confession to a murder he didn’t commit. Today, exactly, 23 years after his arrest, lawyers with the People’s Law Office and Northwestern University’s MacArthur Justice Center filed a petition seeking a new hearing in his case, claiming that the use of torture by the detectives at Area 2, where the alleged incidents occurred, is now common knowledge.
“In 1986, Michael Tillman didn’t have any of the evidence that we have here today. It is a veritable mountain of evidence… that not only has convinced courts, special prosecutors, the federal government and many others that there was a systemic pattern of torture at Area 2 under Jon Burge and John Byrne,” said Flint Taylor, co-counsel in the case. “We are asking this court today, in a 55-page petition, to reopen Michael Tillman’s case, to give him some modicum of justice, 23 years after he was brought in for questioning.”
Madigan ties to organized crime in chicago?
Ex-Leader Of Probed Union Seeks Support For Madigan Mailing Goes Out Over His Name
By Rick Pearson, Tribune political reporter. Tribune staff reporter John Chase contributed to this report. Thousands of union sewer and tunnel workers began receiving letters last week urging them to support Democrat Lisa Madigan for attorney general, but the name attached to the mailings was surprising. The letters to members of Laborers Local 2 were signed, "Fraternally, Richard S. Caravetta, business manager." They asked members to take part in House Speaker Michael Madigan's "Friends and Family" political network on behalf of his daughter. But only weeks before, Caravetta had resigned from his union post in an agreement with national union officials investigating his alleged ties to organized crime.
there is so much dirt in this link, my eyes are tired
Madigan support human rights violation
“He was forced to give a false statement for first degree murder or his family would suffer. My son gave in because he did not want any harm to come to his family and gave the false confession. He needs justice as well as many others who have suffered because of these criminals who hide their protection of the badge they swore to uphold. So I now ask you, Gov. Blagojevich, to restore justice and start to heal the hearts of many families who suffered as a result of this criminal act,” Escamilla said.
Seems like, Madigan is a international war criminal
U.S. Law Prohibits Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Any practice of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment by United States officials violates international human rights standards to which the United States is a party. These include the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Torture Convention), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.1
The use of torture also violates U.S. law. In 1994, Congress passed a new federal law which specifically provides for penalties including fines and up to 20 years' imprisonment for acts of torture committed by American or other officials outside the United States. In cases where torture results in death of the victim, the sentence is life imprisonment or execution.2
"Renderings" to countries known to engage in routine torture violate article 3 of the Torture Convention, which prohibits sending an individual to another state where there are "substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture."3 Such transfers, and even credible threats of such transfers, made to combatants detained in an armed conflict also violate article 17 of the Third Geneva Convention, which provides that "[n]o physical or mentaltorture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind" (emphasis added). Indeed, if committed against persons protected by the Geneva Conventions, "torture or inhuman treatment.[or] willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health," would all constitute "grave breaches" under the Geneva Conventions.4