On her own free will, willing, knowingly accepting crimes of her fancy and helping them along.
Another disgrace of a lawyer, who has no respect of any of the oaths she has taken, no respect the law, criminal justice.
Another disgrace to the people of Illinois.
I reported a lot of criminal activity to her, provided evidence, the law requires her to do somethings on certain matters, others she can legally let slide, weather she likes it or not. She is showing that if the criminals are in her office, on the bench, with law enforcement, well that's another story, we well just sweep it under the rug. No problem. If that don't make her a criminal also, I don't know what does.
Besides criminal matters, I complained about;
Jake Bernstein stole $5k from me (I paid for something he did not deliver) I never got paid for fixing his drain at his house, and paid another $3400 for 2 seats in 1 seminar he canclled and never refunded me the money (yes dope me, in my defense, I was just hoping he would some day wake up and figure this was not right and will make good on obligations), I wounder how many other people he did not return the refund to?. Most of the other stuff, I bought from him hechizled out of (he wrote 30 books? the world thinks he is a top dog (some one does, me, no longer). http://jacobbernstein.blogspot.com/. This is theft of services and out right theft.
the company that hired me to fix a fire hydrant at the best buy in Niles, and never paid me $3700 http://totalsitesolutions.blogspot.com/. This is theft of services.
The American Legion in Palatine screwed me on a $1100? bill. This is theft of services.
I under stand that Madigan is not a collection agency, but these civil matters have a tone of a criminal nature. These matters I think she can shelf, and use the so what, who cares, no big deal excuse.
but, when I reported crimes and provided all the evidence necessary for a convicition of many people in Palatine, law enforcement, the Cook County State Attorney's office, the judiciary, her response was so what, who cares, no big deal. To me this makes her a accomplice, accessory, aiding and abetting, a willing participant of obstruction of justice, criminal conspiracy, bla bla bla, I am sure you get my drift
Lisa Madigan, has no problem with false documents, perjury, misleading the courts, tampering with evidence. To me, this, kind of, seems like she is rotten to the core.
I only ask for truth and honesty, from any one, do your job (what ever it is, in the best way possible). I feel that she is a failure in this department also.
If and since the attorney general has shown she finds no problem to the world, that false documents, perjury misleading the courts, obstruction of justice, cops hallucinating on the job, in the court, etc., in Palatine and Cook County, then she must embrace this activity with other matters.
So here we have the Illinois top cop a runnaway criminal, with no one to stop her. What does Quinn do about that.
It sounds like organized crime to me with a whole lot of terror.
Did you see that, when she was calling for Blago's head? I was saying to my self this nuts, she is nothing but another diva of organized crime, a expert at obstruction of justice, cover up, criminal conspiracy, the whole 9 yards. Another queen of dirt. and has here whole dirt bag state police department at her dispostal http://illinois-state-police-dirt.blogspot.com/
This brainless wonder aught to go after the cause of deadly desease of alcoholism, Has the alcohol industry pay her off? (in the form of a campaign contribution, bonus, consulting fee?)
Who has paid the attorney general of Illinois off?
What else is a person to think?
Some place I post/blog, that when I was in Arizona, I was served 12 times by a Illinois process server, right here in Illinois (most likely cook county sheriff's making money on the side). Served 12 times(a agent of the court throws, or hands me a document). The State of Az knew I was in AZ, The state of IL knew I was in AZ, Cook County knew I was in a the Village of Palatine knew I was in AZ. I am in contempt of court, now (back then), the plaintiff lawyer knew these were all wrong, but nobody cared, except to get Mike Mars.
This is not right in any system. It is the Law. But it is also 12 process servers lied, presented the court of law with false documents. I prove it right here, there are officers of the court who have aided in presenting the court with false documents, I have proved this also.
Do you think I am the only sap this has happened to?
This is non stop pollution.
and again Madigan just sits back slapping every on the back on what a good job they are doing and visa versa.
Assistant states attorneys Chandre and Andre, were 2 key principals in the one matter. 2 more legalized criminals.. .that work for the government
Madigan is a lethal dosage of corruption, she is another ax into the heart of the Illinois people.
Even though Madigan is a lethal dosage of corruption, she is just a small part of the problem. She cannot be apart of a solution, unless she becomes rehabilitated?
How do you pull a ax out of a lady justice and kep the ole gal alive?
I sent the attorney general, both - cook county states attorney's, governor Quinn, and a few more people, email several times. Most of my email's were once only. I am sure a record is on every one's email server. I think there is a law that can allow us (the public?), to see what actions was done when and where.
Wire fraud and RICO, apply, as far as I am concerned.
Little ole me, a guy that just, wanted the cop, D.A.'s office, my lawyer, the judge to give me honesty in my trial, even if I was found guilty, just tell the truth. I was hoping, the village, that I did work in for a long time, would have steped up to the plate, but, they refuse.