Palatine pays its cops money to do this,
worse, I would bet Steve Bratcher, has lived to torture another person, another day.
Dick Devine's office shredded a confession by another person, but used this confession by means of torture (right there in court documents)
This is a crime against humanity, this is a war crime.
I don't know what is worse:
this torture, extracting false confessions
or shredding another confession
or a cop mauling down a few residents,
or Baker taking discount for cash payments,
or top state awarded DUI cop - Wenrich hallucinating on the job,
or another top state awarded DUI cop - Hunter not noticing a thing,
or Wenrich's perjured testimony,
or Wenrich's false documents to the court,
or Tatooles, covering this up for Mullins,
or Mullins covering up for Bratcher
or Bratcher blackmailing Tatooles because of this cover up,
or Haas just sitting around making sure all goes OK,
or Village council approval
or mayor approval
or another village council approval
or another mayor's approval
or judicial approval
or Cook County D.A's approval humHappened on Daily's, Devine'swatch, now it's Alvarez watch
or Attorney General Lisa Madigan approval
or Gov Quinn's approval
There is a major problem here, I think there are more criminals in the courts, law enforcement and elected to office, than on the street. You tell me Who's involvement is more criminal than the palatine police chiefs kid and the cops that helped and cleaned up the mess. Maybe Jack and that other council man cleaned up the mess after the torture (re;cleaned up the chicken mess, as a side deal with Chief Bracher)
This post don't even talk about the torture by Chicago cops.